Respaldo de material de tanatología

Protocolo para el Dolor Incidental en ingles


St. Boniface General Hospital
Palliative Care 

Dr. Mike Harlos

Step Medication # micrograms SL
(50 microgm/ml)

1 Fentanyl 50
2 Sufentanil 25
3 Sufentanil 50
4 Sufentanil 100

Application of Incident Pain

Examples of situations in which
the Incident Pain Protocol 
is initiated: 

– planned turns 
– transfers 
– bathing 
– changing clothes 
– dressing changes 
– disimpaction 

* The opioid (fentanyl or
sufentanil) is administered 
sublingually 10 min prior to
anticipated activity 

* If the initial dose appears to be
insufficient, that same 
dose may be repeated up to two
further doses, at 10 minute 

* If a given dose is sufficient, the
patient will typically 
appear drowsy 10 – 15 min.
following the dose. If this is 
not the case, or if the patient
experiences discomfort 
during the planned activity, then
repeat doses may be 
given as above. 

* Increasing to the next step of the
Incident Pain Protocol 
is undertaken if the maximum
number of doses (three) is 
required to achieve comfort, or is
insufficient to achieve 
comfort with activity. Increasing to
the next step of the 
Incident Pain Protocol cannot be
done within one hour of 
the most recent fentanyl or
sufentanil dose, except after 
contacting the physician. If the
maximum number of doses 
(three) has been given, and the
patient remains in 
discomfort with activity that must
be undertaken 
presently, the physician should be
contacted for 
consideration of immediately
proceeding to the next step 
of the Incident Pain Protocol 

* The Incident Pain Protocol may
be used up to q 1h prn